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Command line uninstall anydesk

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The command-line interface offers ways to help automate many processes involved with AnyDesk. Here, you can find some examples of how to use it with AnyDesk. These can be customized further through the custom client generator on my. These can then be перейти на страницу automatically through anydrsk script using the commands described in the Installation Commands or through other deployment tools. An example batch script, that will install AnyDesk, register the license key, and set a password, could look like this:.

In case AnyDesk is no longer needed on certain machines, it can be uninstalled through the in-built operating system uninstaller or alternatively, the command-line interface. This can be done using either the –remove or –uninstall command as mentioned vommand Installation Commands.

Using this command, a GUI prompt will appear which will guide the user through the uninstallation process. In case the removal of Command line uninstall anydesk is supposed to happen purely via uninstxll script ссылка на подробности through management software, –remove is the right parameter to use. Furthermore, if a completely silent removal is intended, appending –silent will prevent error messages that might occur during the removal process from showing up.

Files such as those found in the below default directories must be manually deleted or deleted through a script. If AnyDesk is intended to be implemented into already existing software, connecting through the command-line interface using the commands and parameters as described in Connection Commands can be a good tool to command line uninstall anydesk that.

Parameters found in Connection Commands can be used to modify shortcuts that have been dropped command line uninstall anydesk the desktop through AnyDesk. This is done by appending a parameter to the “Target” field in “Properties” of the desktop shortcut.

For example:. Back to home. Getting Started. Other Platforms. Use-cases for the Command-Line Interface The command-line interface offers ways to help automate many processes involved with AnyDesk. Standard Module Types. Default EXE. EXE latest update of windows 10 command line uninstall anydesk the standard client from anydesk.

Customer Module EXE. EXE version of a standard client that can only receive connections. Servic e Module EXE. EXE version of a standard client that can only initiate connections.


Command line uninstall anydesk

Removing AnyDesk This can be done using either the. Another easy method to uninstall applications is using the Run command window. Step 1: Click on Windows + R on your keyboard. Step 2: Type the. sudo apt-get purge anydesk. sudo apt-get autoclean. sudo apt-get autoremove. sudo apt update. sudo apt list –upgradable. sudo apt upgrade -y.


[Command line uninstall anydesk


Ask Ubuntu is a question and answer http://replace.me/24123.txt for Ubuntu users and developers.

It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Okay, Command line uninstall anydesk have noticed that whenever I installed the latest version of any software and then uninstalled it even after using purge remove command from the terminal because it doesn’t support my distro Even using terminal commands to uninstall the software using a. I faced this problem while installing steam but had to reinstall my entire O.

Now I’m facing the same problem when I command line uninstall anydesk to install intel linux graphics installer. I had accidentally installed the latest version which only supports So please, can anyone tell me how I can completely remove the malfunctioning version and safely install the correct version?

What is the correct way to completely remove an command line uninstall anydesk You can run: sudo dpkg -P intel-linux-graphics-installer to abydesk rid of that version. I’m not sure if the older version is still available but you can try the instructions here. Ubuntu Community Ask!

Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and linne to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge.

Create a free Team Why Teams? Learn more about Teams. How to completely remove any program and its installation files? Ask Question. Asked 6 years, 8 months ago. Modified 6 years, 8 months ago. Viewed 84k times.

Improve command line uninstall anydesk question. Community Bot 1. Lne ShuaibKunji 2 2 gold badges 4 4 silver badges 20 20 bronze badges. What commands are you using to install software? Are you installing. Please provide complete command line uninstall anydesk.

I don’t think that older version for the intel installer works anymore although you could always give it a try. Would appreciate if you mark whichever answer has helped as ‘Accepted’. Add a comment. Sorted by: Reset to default. Highest score default Date modified newest first Date created oldest first. Improve anydsek answer.

Maldini 1 1 silver badge 8 8 bronze badges. Sorry guys, sudo apt purge is fine but autoclean and autoremove need apt-get and I can’t retract command line uninstall anydesk reject vote on that edit. ShuaibKunji whilst sudo apt-get –purge remove works too, it’s legacy functionality, the newer format is sudo apt-get purgeor in newer releases, just sudo apt purge — Jeremy Davis.

For better understanding, you may refer to: What is the correct way to completely remove an application? Dhaval Simaria Dhaval Simaria 2 2 gold badges 11 11 silver badges 29 29 bronze badges.

Alternatively, this should work as well: sudo apt-get purge intel-linux-graphics-installer I’m not sure if the older version is still available but you can try продолжение здесь instructions here.

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