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There are general, indentation, and spacing options available in the Paragraph dialog box options. At the bottom of the dialog box, you can see a Preview of how the options will look before you apply them. Choose Collapsed by default microsofh you want the document to open with headings collapsed by default. See Collapse or expand parts of a document to learn more. To quickly create a first line indent using the ruler, see Create a first line indent.
To quickly create a hanging indent using the ruler, see Create a microsoft word 2016 format line spacing free download indent. When you choose this, Left and Right become Inside and Outside. This is for book style printing. Choose Single to single-space text. To quickly single space your entire document, see Single space lines in a microsoft office professional plus 2013 unlicensed product key free. Choose 1. Choose Double to double-space text. To quickly double space your entire document, see Double space lines in a document.
For example, if the text is in point font, you can specify 12 points as the line spacing. For example, setting line spacing to 1. If you want to save the settings you chose as your default, select Set as Default. Choose from these options in the Paragraph dialog box.
At the bottom of the dialog box, the Preview box shows you how the options look before you apply them. Select First line to indent the first line of a paragraph, and then specify the size of the indent in By.
Select Hanging to create a hanging indent, and then specify the size of the microsoft word 2016 format line spacing free download in By. When you select Automatically adjust right indent when document grid is definedthe right indent is automatically adjusted for the paragraph when a document grid is defined.
Select 1. Select Snap to grid when document grid is defined to more easily align text with the document grid. Explore paragraph dialog box options There are general, indentation, and spacing options available in the Paragraph dialog box options. Outline level The level at which the paragraph appears in Outline view. Indentation Left Indents the paragraph on the left by the amount you choose.
Right Indents the paragraph on the right by the amount you choose. Spacing Before Adjusts the amount of space before a paragraph. After Adjusts the amount of space after a paragraph.
Line spacing Choose Single microsoft word 2016 format line spacing free download single-space text. Paragraph dialog box options Choose from these options in the Paragraph dialog box. Outline level Select the level at which the paragraph appears in Outline view. Indentation Left Moves in 22016 left microsoft word 2016 format line spacing free download of the paragraph by the amount you lije. Right Moves in the right wodd of the paragraph by the amount you choose.
Special Select First line to indent the first line of a paragraph, and then specify the size of the indent in By. Automatically adjust When you select Automatically mcrosoft right indent when document grid is definedthe right indent is automatically adjusted for the paragraph when a document grid is defined.
Line spacing Select Single to single-space text. Select Double to double-space text. Snap посмотреть больше Select Snap to grid when document grid is defined to more easily align text with the document grid.
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Thank you for your feedback! The level at which the paragraph appears in Outline view. Indents the paragraph on fred left by the amount you choose. Indents the paragraph on the right by the amount you choose. Select the level at which the paragraph appears in Outline view. Moves in the left side of the paragraph by the amount you choose. Moves in the right side of the paragraph by the amount you choose.
Microsoft word 2016 format line spacing free download
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