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Adobe photoshop cc 2017 magic wand tool free
Unlike other selection tools that select pixels in an image based on shapes or by detecting object edgesthe Magic Wand selects pixels based on tone and color. Many people tend to get frustrated with the Magic Wand giving it the unfortunate nickname “tragic wand” because it can sometimes seem like it’s impossible to control which pixels the tool selects.
In this tutorial, we’re going to look beyond the magic, discover how the wand really works, and learn to recognize the situations that this ancient but still extremely useful selection tool was designed for.
If you’re using Photoshop CS2 or magiic, you can select the Magic Wand simply by clicking on its icon in the Tools palette. Select the Magic Wand adobe photoshop cc 2017 magic wand tool free the menu:. Before we look at a real world example of the Magic Wand in action, let’s see how the tool works and how there’s really nothing magical about it. Here’s a simple image I’ve created showing a black to white gradient separated by a solid red horizontal bar through its center:.
As I mentioned, Photoshop’s Magic Wand selects pixels based on tone and color. When we click on an area in the image with the tool, Photoshop looks at the tone and color of the area we clicked on and selects pixels that share the same color and brightness values.
This makes the Magic Wand exceptional at selecting large areas of solid color. For example, let’s say I want to select the horizontal red bar. All I need to do is click anywhere on the red bar with the Magic Wand. Photoshop will see that I’ve clicked on an area of red and will instantly select every pixel in the image that shares that adobe photoshop cc 2017 magic wand tool free shade of red, effectively selecting the red bar for me just by clicking on it:.
Selecting the solid colored red bar was easy enough, since there were no other pixels in the image that shared the same shade of red, but let’s see what happens adobe photoshop cc 2017 magic wand tool free I click with the Magic Wand on one of the gradients. I’ll click on an area of middle gray in the center of the gradient above the red bar:.
This time, Photoshop selected an entire range of brightness values rather than limiting itself to pixels that were exactly the same tone and color as the middle gray area I clicked on. Why is that? To find the answer, we need to look up in the Options Bar along the top of the взято отсюда. More specifically, we need to look at the Tolerance value:. The Tolerance option tells Photoshop how different in tone and color a pixel can be from the area we clicked on for it to be included in the selection.
By default, the Tolerance value is set to 32, which means that Photoshop will select any pixels that are the same color as the area we clicked on, plus any pixels phogoshop are up to 32 shades darker or 32 shades brighter.
In the case of my gradient, which contains a total of brightness levels between and including pure black and pure white, Photoshop selected the entire adobe photoshop cc 2017 magic wand tool free of pixels that fell between 32 shades darker and 32 shades brighter than the shade of gray I initially clicked on. With Tolerance now set twice as high as it was originally, if I click with the Magic Wand on the exact same center spot in the gradient, Photoshop should now select an area twice as large as it did last time, since it will include all the pixels that are between 64 shades http://replace.me/6445.txt and 64 shades lighter than the initial shade of gray I читать больше on.
Sure enough, that’s what we get:. What if I want to select just the specific shade of gray I click on in the gradient and nothing else?
In that case, I’d set my Tolerance value to 0, which tells Photoshop not to include any pixels in the selection except those that are an exact match in color and tone to the area I click on:.
With Tolerance set to 0, I’ll click again on the same spot in the center of the gradient, and this time, we get a very narrow selection outline. Every pixel that’s not an exact match to the specific shade of gray I clicked on is ignored:. You can set the Tolerance option to any value between 0 and The higher the value, the wider the range adobe photoshop cc 2017 magic wand tool free pixels that Photoshop will select. A Tolerance setting of tree effectively select the entire image, so you’ll usually want to try a lower value.
As we were exploring the effect the Tolerance setting has on Magic Wand selections, you may have noticed something strange. Each time I clicked on the gradient above the red bar, Photoshop selected a certain range of pixels but only in the gradient Adobe photoshop cc 2017 magic wand tool free was clicking on.
The gradient below the red bar, which is identical to the gradient I was clicking on, was completely ignored, even though it obviously contained shades of gray that should have been included in the selection. Why were the pixels in the magkc gradient not included? The reason has to do with another important option in the Options Bar – Contiguous. With Contiguous selected, as it is by default, Photoshop will only select pixels that fall within the acceptable tone and color range determined by the Tolerance option and are side by side each other in the same area you clicked on.
Adobe photoshop cc 2017 magic wand tool free pixels that are within the acceptable Tolerance range but are separated from the area you clicked on by pixels that fall outside the Tolerance range will not be included in the selection.
In the case of my gradients, wans pixels in the bottom gradient that should otherwise have been included in the selection were ignored because they were cut off from the area I clicked on by the pixels in the red bar which were not within the Tolerance range. Let’s see what happens when I uncheck the Contiguous option.
I’ll also reset my Tolerance setting to its default value of I’ll click hpotoshop in the center of the upper gradient with frew Magic Посетить страницу, and this time, with Contiguous unchecked, the pixels in the bottom gradient that fall within the Tolerance range wxnd also selected, even though they’re still separated from the area I clicked on by the red bar:.
Up next, we’ll look at some additional options for the Magic Wand and a real world example of it in action as we use it to quickly select and replace the sky in a photo! Shortcodes, Actions and Filters Plugin: Error in shortcode [ ads-basics-middle ]. Tolerance and Contiguous are the two options that have the biggest impact on the Magic Wand, but there’s a couple of other options worth noting.
Since the Magic Ccc selects pixels and pixels are square-shaped, our selection edges can 207 appear адрес страницы and toop, often referred to as a “stair stepping” effect. Photoshop can smooth out the edges by adobe photoshop cc 2017 magic wand tool free a slight blur to photsohop, a process known as anti-aliasing. We can turn anti-aliasing for the Magic Wand on and off by checking or unchecking the Anti-alias option in the Options Bar.
By default, it’s enabled and in most cases you’ll want to leave it enabled:. Aadobe by default, when you click on an image sims 3 pc windows the Magic Wand, it looks for pixels to select only on the layer that’s currently active in the Layers panel.
This is usually what we want, but if your frree contains multiple layers and you want Photoshop to include all the layers in your selection, select the Sample All Layers option in the Options Bar. It’s unchecked by default:.
Shortcodes, Actions and Filters Plugin: Error in shortcode [ ads-basics-middle-2 ]. Here’s an image I have open in Photoshop. I like the photo in general, but the sky could look more interesting. I think I’ll replace the sky with a different one:. Replacing the sky means I’ll first need to select it. As I mentioned earlier, the Magic Wand excels at selecting large areas of solid color, and since the sky is clear blue with only a slight variation in the tone, the Magic Wand will make selecting it easy.
With the tool selected and all of its options in the Options Bar set back to their defaults Tolerance 32, Contiguous checkedI’ll click somewhere in the top left of the image:. If the sky had been solid blue, wahd Magic Wand would have had no trouble selecting all of it with that one single click. However, the sky actually transitions from a lighter shade of blue just above the buildings to a darker shade near the top of the photo, and my Tolerance value of 32 wasn’t quite high enough to cover that entire range of tonal values, leaving a large area of the sky directly above the buildings out of the selection:.
Since my initial пожалуй adobe premiere pro cs4 effects free free такой failed to select the entire sky because my Tolerance value was too low, I could try again with a higher Tolerance value, but there’s an easier way to fix the problem.
As with Photoshop’s other selection tools, the Photosnop Wand has the option to add to existing selectionswhich means I can keep the selection Adohe started with and simply add more eand the sky for chrome windows 10 it!
To add to a selection, hold down your Shift key and click in the area you need to add. In my case, with Shift held down, I’ll click somewhere inside the продолжить чтение that wasn’t included in the selection initially:. And just like that, Photoshop was able to add the remaining area of the sky to the selection.
Two clicks with the Magic Wand was all it needed:. Of course, since the sky is being replaced, what I should have selected in the image was everything below the sky, since жмите the area I want to keep. But drawing a selection outline along the tops of the buildings with one of Photoshop’s other selection tools like the Polygonal Lasso Tool or the Magnetic Lasso Tool would have taken more time and effort, while selecting the sky with the Magic Wand was quick and easy.
This brings us to a popular and very handy technique to use with the Magic Wand, which is to select the area you don’t want first and then invert the selection! To invert the selection, which will select everything that wasn’t selected in my case, everything below the sky and deselect everything that was the sky itselfgo up to the Select menu at the top of the screen and choose Inverse. With the selection now inverted, the sky is no longer selected while everything below it in the image is:.
Next, I’ll open the image I want to replace the original sky with. I’ll switch back over to my original image and I’ll click on the Background layer in the Layers panel to select it so that, when I paste the other sky photo into the document, it will appear between my existing two layers:.
Everyone loves a blue sky, but sometimes a few clouds can make a bigger impact:. Like Photoshop’s other selection tools, посетить страницу источник trick to using the Magic Wand successfully and avoiding frustration is knowing when to use it and when to try adobe photoshop cc 2017 magic wand tool free else.
As we’ve seen in this tutorial, the Magic Wand’s biggest strength is its ability to select large areas of pixels that all share the same or similar color and tone, making it perfect for things like fool and replacing a simple sky in adobe photoshop cc 2017 magic wand tool free photo, or for any image where the object you need to select is in front of a solid or similarly colored background.
Use the “select what you don’t want first” trick for times when selecting the area around the object with the Magic Wand would adobe photoshop cc 2017 magic wand tool free faster and easier than selecting the object itself with a different tool.
This time, with a Tolerance setting twice as high, the selected area of the gradient is twice as large. Increasing or decreasing the Tolerance value has a big impact on which pixels in the image are selected with photosshop Magic Wand.
Contiguous is selected by default. Click inside the checkbox to deselect it if needed. With Contiguous unchecked, any pixels anywhere in the image that fall within the Tolerance range will be selected.
Leave anti-aliasing enabled with the Magic Wand to smooth out otherwise jagged selection edges. Leave Sample All Layers unchecked to limit your mabic to the active layer. Some lighter areas of the sky just above the buildings were not included in the selection.
[Adobe photoshop cc 2017 magic wand tool free
ThePicPedia is a site that includes thousands of questions and answers about photos, videos, digital art, software. Adobe Photoshop is a raster graphics editor developed and published by Adobe Inc. The magic wand tool selects areas based on pixels of similar values. magic wand tool photoshop.
The Magic Wand Tool – Photoshop Selections
This Photoshop masking tutorial will turn you into a pro in no time. The Photoshop Magic Wand Tool is a quick and easy way to select and mask certain portions of an image, giving you the ability to alter one part of your image while leaving other parts intact. One of the most common uses of this tool is to swap out or remove the background of a product photoleaving the subject of the image in place. The Magic Wand Tool works by selecting an area of solid color within an image.
Once your selection is made, the Magic Wand Tool gives you multiple options for refining that selection. The Magic Activation autodesk 2019 free download Tool is a go-to tool when you want to display a product in various settings by showing it against different backgrounds, or when you want to remove a background altogether so your product stands on its own.
This is often the case for marketplaces like Amazon or eBay, which have product photo requirements of their own that outline the approved backgrounds your images can have. Make sure the Background layer is highlighted. You will be given the option to give your duplicated layer a custom name.
Once you have the Magic Wand Too l selected, you can adjust several parameters within the tool to control how much or how little is selected at a time.
There are two ways to use the Magic Wand Tool to select the subject of adobe photoshop cc 2017 magic wand tool free image: select the background and select the subject. The method you use adobe photoshop cc 2017 magic wand tool free depend on whether or not the background of your image is mostly one color. If the background of an image is a solid color or almost a solid color, you can use the Magic Wand Tool to select the background, and then inverse the selection.
If your background is multiple colors, you can select the subject of your image instead of the background. Photoshop CC18 has an option called Select Subject. This intuitive feature figures out and selects the subject of your photo, no matter how complex it is. If you are using an older version of Photoshop, you can still use the Magic Wand Tool to select your subject if your background is complex but the subject is mostly one color.
You would follow the same steps in Method 1 to select the subject. At the top of the application window, next to the Select Subject button, you will see a button called Select and Mask … Click on this button. Your window will be replaced by a screen that has a series of global controls on the right and spot-adjustment tools on the left.
Click this and make sure On Layers Y is приведенная ссылка. You now can see your subject isolated without any background at all. Dragging the Smooth slider to the right will smooth out any rough edges on your selection. To use, click on the tool and paint over areas of your selection that still need refinement.
Once you are satisfied with your selection, click on Output Settings in the lower right-hand side of your screen and choose Output to: Layer Mask. Click OK.
Go back into the file containing the subject you just isolated. Select the unaltered Background layer. The new background should appear as a new layer between your masked subject больше на странице original background. You can toggle the original background layer back to visible now.
If your original image was taken against a white background, you can set your new background layer blend mode to Multiply to pull the original shadows back into the new image. You can add more layers for additional backgrounds, and toggle the eye icon next to each to see how they look with your subject. You can also create layers and fill them with solid colors including white to show your subject against a solid background. Here are a just a few scenarios where it comes in handy:.
Bio: With adobe photoshop cc 2017 magic wand tool free 18 years experience as a graphic designer, Becky is passionate about helping people enhance their content by mastering image manipulation software. Becky has worked with a variety of educational publishers in the U. You can change adobe photoshop cc 2017 magic wand tool free gaze of a model in a photograph with just a few steps in Photoshop. Turn your photos into sketches for an illustrative look that works great on your website and social media.
Clipping path and image masking both accomplish similar results—but the way to get them is different. Taking you back to B. Learning what photo editing is can help you understand how to use it to create product photos that convert. Do everything by hand to achieve the perfect cut-out on every strand of hair. Adobe Photoshop CC is an amazing software for editing your images. Do you know its best tools? Blurring the background can bring extra focus to your subject.
Photos can make professional windows free download 10 iso 1903 sometimes break ecommerce conversions. In this article. Share this article.
Related: Clipping Path vs. Learn More. Not up for the tedious task yourself? Get a quote for your background removal needs. Becky Kilimnik Bio: With over 18 years experience as a graphic designer, Becky is passionate about helping people enhance their content adobe photoshop cc 2017 magic wand tool free mastering image manipulation software. Tags: advanced Photoshop mask background removal how to image editing Adobe photoshop cc 2017 magic wand tool free.
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How to Use the Photoshop Magic Wand Tool | Beginner’s Tutorial – Path
We’ll use two unique features to make this picture look really good — a gradient tool and a magic wand. Use the Gradient tool (G) to apply a cool-looking. Easily select and mask your images to remove the background. Find out how in a step-by-step Photoshop Magic Wand tutorial.