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What’s this? Share a personal memory, family story, article, discovery you made, or highlights from Hazel’s life. This is your place to share to keep her memory alive. Friends can be as close as family. Add Hazel’s family friends, and her friends from childhood through adulthood.

Nobody has shared photos of Hazel M Shotts! Please help add a face to the name by sharing a photo of Hazel. Leave a comment to ask questions, share information, or simply to show that you care about Hazel. Share Hazel’s obituary or write your own to preserve her legacy.

Refresh this page to see various historical events that occurred during Hazel’s lifetime. In , in the year that Hazel M Shotts was born, it is believed that a worldwide influenza pandemic began in Asia. In the U. More than 35, people attended the dedication including Lincoln’s son, Robert Todd Lincoln, and many Union and Confederate veterans – although the audience was segregated.

The Memorial took 10 years to complete. In , she was 52 years old when one hundred countries, along with the United States and the Soviet Union signed the nuclear nonproliferation treaty NPT.

It called for stopping the spread of nuclear weapons, the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and the goal of nuclear disarmament. The invasion of Cambodia was a Nixon policy, although it was argued against by both his Secretary of State and his Secretary of Defense. In , when she was 81 years old, on December 19th, the House of Representatives initiated impeachment charges against U. President Bill Clinton. He was subsequently acquitted of these charges by the Senate on February 12th. This page dedicated to Hazel M Shotts is a collaborative biography where anyone can add information and share memories.

Click the next to a field to edit any of the foundational information. To share personal memories and photos select either Story or Photo. Only you can edit stories and photos. Have a question or searching for answers? Try leaving a comment asking the community for help. For additional details see about Collaborative Biographies. People Photos Purpose. Sign In. People Photos Purpose Share Memory. Last Known Residence. Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama Hazel M Shotts was born on December 23, She died on November 4, at 88 years old.

Hazel M Shotts Hazel Shotts – Find records of Hazel Shotts. Every life has a story to tell. This collaborative biography is dedicated to tell the story of Hazel M Shotts. Click the to update this introduction with a synopsis or highlights of Hazel’s life. Update bio graphy. Hazel’s biography. Hazel M Shotts Most commonly known as. Hazel M Shotts.

Did Hazel go by other names? Hazel Shotts was born on December 23, COM View birth records. Hazel Shotts died on November 4, COM View death records. There is no cause of death listed for Hazel. Cause of death. Do you know the final resting place – gravesite in a cemetery or location of cremation – of Hazel M Shotts? Where was Hazel born and where did she live? Did Hazel finish grade school, get a GED, go to high school, get a college degree or masters?

What schools or universities did Hazel attend? Was Hazel a religious woman? Was Hazel baptized? Share what Hazel did for a living or if she had a career or profession. Personal Life. Share highlights of Hazel’s life. Military Service. Did Hazel serve in the military or did a war or conflict interfere with her life? Hazel M Shotts’s obituary. Hazel M Shotts lived 14 years longer than the average Shotts family member when she died at the age of Life Expectancy.

The average age of a Shotts family member is Looking for a different Hazel Shotts? View other bios of people named Hazel Shotts. Share a Story about Hazel.

Family Tree. Hazel’s immediate relatives including parents, siblings, partnerships and children in the Shotts family tree.

Hazel’s Family Tree. Add bio. Add friend. Cancel Post. Source s : Social Security Death Index. Other Records. Other Biographies. Ruth Shotts. About the AncientFaces Community. What AncientFaces Does.

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