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His expert eyes always saw concepts that I missed. Thanks to Matt Wagner for being such a great support and advocate. Thanks also to my Seminary kids, who dealt patiently with the fact that I was a zombie every morning for two months. An extra special thanks also to my family, who frequently must endure my tendency to overbook my schedule.
And yet, through all of this, they see the light at the end of the tunnel more easily than I do. Introduction Welcome to this book! Before we jump right in and start learning, I want to give you a heads up as to what you can expect going forward. Photoshop is not just for editing photographs anymore. If you have some prior experience with Photoshop, or if you are looking to use Photoshop for a specific purpose, feel free to jump around the book as you please.
This book also takes a different focus than most Photoshop books do. Other Photoshop books tend to focus on photo editing, which is obviously a core part of what Photoshop does hence the name.
And we will cover a lot of information about image editing, of course. Note that Photoshop is available for both Mac and PC, and it functions almost identically on both. The keys usually used for this purpose are called modifier keys. These keys are different on Macs and PCs. The world of Photoshop is exciting, and you might decide to change your entire career based on what you read here.
What Is Photoshop? People use Photoshop in everything from designing posters to designing fashions. They use Photoshop in blockbuster Hollywood movies and in video games. Anything you can do with a photo, you can do in Photoshop.
Photoshop has developed and progressed into something much more. Photoshop 6 introduced cleaner text for printing. Photoshop 7 introduced some very robust painting tools. Figure shows an example of what can be done in Photoshop. I was playing around with this photo of my wife. I love being able to take a photo and create a piece of art with it.
I can go back and remove the green flowers next to her eyes, or change the background colors, or whatever else I want to do. This was just like painting on a canvas. If you messed up, your only choice was to paint over the mistake or start over. But with the introduction of layers, you could start putting pieces of your work onto separate parts of your image. These separate parts layers can be moved, resized, colored, and otherwise adjusted independently of all other pieces of your work in Photoshop.
Figure shows a faux side view of the layers that comprise this project. Notice that most of the layers do not take up the entire document as the background does. Because these elements are all on separate layers, I can adjust each one without affecting the others.
You probably will want to use other creative programs in harmony with Photoshop. Adobe Bridge is a file browsing application that allows you to sort, organize, and rank images. You can also download images from your digital camera to your computer by using Bridge.
Bridge can open images, group them, perform some Photoshop automation commands, and much more. It was specifically created for making content for cell phones and mobile devices. It contains profiles—with photos—of a huge library of cell phones. It can also instantly create Photoshop documents that match the exact specs of a particular phone.
Many higher-end digital cameras allow you to save photos in a raw file format. This is like a digital negative—completely unprocessed and pristine.
Camera Raw is a plug-in application that works with these files to color correct and adjust them. If software programs like Photoshop intimidate you, have no fear.
Why work when Photoshop can do it for you better and faster? It may sound farfetched to you now, but a few hundred pages down the road, you might be more convinced. So what are we waiting for? What better way to get acquainted with Photoshop than to know its interface?
Most books and training about software programs begin with a tour of the interface, and that tour is typically skipped by most learners. Granted, learning about panels and menus is not the most exciting thing, but understanding the interface is a critical step in becoming a power user.
Many self-taught users have a great deal of artistic skill, but find it difficult to become true professionals because they are inept at following workflow basics. Each tidbit of interface knowledge may seem small and insignificant on its own, but compounded they will allow you to produce your best work in the shortest time. About Panels The work area in Photoshop is largely made up of several task-centric, mini work areas called panels.
Most workflows use the Layers panel most frequently. Panels can be contracted and expanded to allow you more room to work. Approach Learning the Interface In many classes that I have taught on creative software applications, I often run into students so overwhelmed by the sight of the interface with all of its tools, panels, customization options, menus, and buttons that they just freeze in panic when the program launches.
One student interrupted class every few minutes to ask what a particular button did. Yes, learning the role of every single button and panel is a daunting challenge. You may not know what the pancreas does, or where stomach acid comes from, or how water is absorbed. But you know enough about the process to put food in your mouth.
Think of the Photoshop interface in that way. You can add to your knowledge as you practice. When the panels are collapsed in either the icon-and-name view or in the icon-only view, you can see the full-size panel as a pop-out by simply clicking the icon.
Click the icon again to return the panel to its collapsed state. Get Panels to Close Automatically By default, panels opened from the icon view will stay open popped out even when you go back to your document and start working. However, you might find yourself wanting panels, like unwanted houseguests, to just disappear so you can get back to work. On Windows, go to the Edit menu at the top of the screen, and choose Preferences Interface.
After you open collapse the panel. Even though it is called a panel, as tabs when expanded right. The Tools panel is where you go to get surprise! For a certain task, how do you know whether you need to look for a tool or for a particular panel? Tools typically require you to manually adjust something in your document. So you would go to the Tools panel for tasks typically performed with your mouse such as drawing, selecting specific areas for editing, and painting.
For example, if you wanted to paint a self- portrait, you would search for a tool the Brush tool in the Tools panel, not in one of the other panels. Other panels usually tweak the entire document at once when they make adjustments.
Screen Real Estate The area of the screen that you work in is often called your screen real estate. By collapsing panels and using the interface efficiently, you will create more usable screen real estate.
That will leave you a much larger portion of the screen to work on your documents. In the olden days of Photoshop, the Tools panel was shorter and was two columns wide as Note opposed to the current default single-column view. These programs all share a customizable, docked, panel- based workspace, which is remarkably similar to what you see in Photoshop. The Menu Bar At the very top of the interface, we have the Menu bar.
As we go through this book, when I instruct you to go to a particular menu for example, the Filter menu , this bar is where you would find the menu. For example, as you are working with layers, you may get stumped when trying to perform a certain function. The icon is on Note the upper right of every panel and looks like four horizontal lines with a down arrow on the left side of them. Thus, the Layer menu is at the top of the interface, while the Layers panel menu is in the Layers panel.
This is new to the CS4 version of Photoshop. This area is a convenient place to access commonly used features and tools. You can also select the Hand tool to view a different area of an image, or the Zoom tool to zoom into or out of an image. On Windows computers, the Note Application bar may be in a different location. The differences are only cosmetic. This area is context sensitive, meaning that it gives you options for the tool that is currently selected.
I find it very helpful. The Options bar is the headquarters for such adjusting. If you select the Brush tool, the text options will disappear, and the Options bar will change to allow you to select different brushes.
The Application frame is essentially just the gray background in Photoshop. This mostly affects Mac users. Previous versions of Photoshop on the Mac had no application background, allowing you to see through to your desktop. If you are a Mac user and you want your Photoshop to look like it did in previous versions, simply go to the Window menu and deselect Application Frame.
On Windows, or now on a Mac with the Application frame visible, you can simply double-click anywhere in the blank gray background to open a file see Figure This is a great shortcut to the other methods of opening a file. Note that this only works for the first image you open. Customizing One of the best aspects of the Photoshop interface is that you can customize it.
But its psychic abilities can go only so far; it really pays to be able to move panels around so that the interface can help you work as efficiently as possible. If the Styles panel is not open, any other panel will make a fine substitute. First, click the tab for the Styles panel, and then drag it to another group of panels. Closing Unwanted Panels Most of the panels that you see when you first open Photoshop are panels that you will hardly ever use.
Why have them cluttering up your precious work area? Get rid of them! To close panels, simply click the panel fly-out menu see Figure or right-click the name of the panel that is, the tab. In both instances, a menu will pop up. Choose Close from that menu to hide that panel. Fly-out menus are used to give you additional options for that panel.
To restore the panel to the way it was, just double-click it again. They just kind of floated around in space. It was a mess. The panel will now hover over everything else see Figure To hide all open panels, press TAB on your keyboard. Press TAB again to get the panels back. Tip While I prefer the new system of docked panels, I often still find myself floating panels for certain tasks.
What happens when you want the floating panel to return to its default behavior as a docked panel? Simply drag it where you want it to go, just like the way you moved panels earlier in this section. Tip For example, if the tabs in your group are, from left to right, Layers, Channels, Paths, and you want the order to be Channels, Layers, Paths, then drag the tab for the Channels panel to the left so that it comes before the Layers panel. From this menu, you will see a list of all of the panels available to you in Photoshop.
As you can see in Figure , the menu has even more panels than the default workspace would lead you to believe. In the Window menu, when the name of a panel has a checkmark next to it, it indicates that panel is currently open in the interface.
Most other Adobe applications have a Window menu that Tip allows you to retrieve panels in the same way. Working with Workspaces If you work in an environment with many other people, perhaps you have experienced the unfortunate occasion of coming back from a vacation, only to find that fellow employees have worked on your machine and messed up your workspace. Maybe panels have been moved or rearranged, or keyboard shortcuts have been reassigned. Thankfully, Photoshop has the capability to save and access different interface configurations, called workspaces.
These are two completely different tasks that use two completely different sets of panels. So, you could create one workspace that has what you need for text editing, and create another workspace that has what you need for painting.
Taking advantage of workspaces in Photoshop may seem inconvenient at first, but it can make you much more efficient.
These can be accessed from the drop-down list on the far right end of the Application bar. The default workspace, shown here, is called Essentials. Typically, these workspaces are used for specific workflows. For example, if you select the Painting workspace, the only panels that appear onscreen are panels that you would want for painting, such as the Brushes panel, the Color panel, the Swatches panel, and so on. But these workspaces can also be helpful in other ways.
The Secret Powers of Workspaces Not only can workspaces store information about how you like your panels laid out and which ones you want visible or hidden, but also panels can store customized menu settings and keyboard shortcuts. If you go to the Edit menu, you can choose either Keyboard Shortcuts or Menus. If you select Keyboard Shortcuts, a dialog box will pop up allowing you to customize keyboard shortcuts.
If you find yourself constantly using a particular function in Photoshop, in most cases you can create a keyboard shortcut for it. You can also change the keyboard shortcut if one already exists for it. If you select Edit Menus, you will have two main choices to customize menus. You can click the eye icon next to a menu item in a given menu to hide that option. Few if any users of Photoshop use every function and command. You can also customize menu items by making them a different color so that they stand out.
That way, when you open a menu, your eye will instantly be drawn to the functions that you use most. Or, if you wear several hats perhaps you create paintings, edit photos, and then post them to a web site , you can color menu items based on different workflows. The menu items you use for painting might be yellow, menu items you use for editing photos might be red, and so on. Workspaces let you save panel locations, keyboard shortcuts, and menus.
You can pick and choose which are saved in your workspace. You will get a simple dialog box asking both the name of your new workspace and which components of the workspace for example, panel locations, menus, keyboard shortcuts you wish to save as part of the workspace. Once you click OK, your custom workspace will show up in the Workspace drop-down list with all of the others.
This is even more critical to your workflow than getting acquainted with interface elements. Even if you already know a thing or two about Photoshop, the next few sections will cover impressive new features and some lifesaving shortcuts. Opening Documents First, we need to bring an image into Photoshop. In Photoshop, the terms are essentially synonymous. As with several commands in Photoshop, you have many ways to do the same thing.
This can Note be intimidating at first because it seems overwhelming to learn everything. You only need to learn and use the way that you like best. To open a file, choose File Open. For this chapter, you can open one of your own images, or just follow along. Similar to what you might find in your web browser when you have multiple web pages open in the same window, Photoshop groups documents into tabs when more than one file is open at a time: To cycle through open documents, use the keyboard shortcut CTRL-TAB for both platforms.
Then, while still holding those keys, simply click anywhere on the image to zoom into that area. As before, click with those keys held down to zoom out. Another way to think of this is that it moves the camera, not the actor.
But the current version of Photoshop has actually added a little improvement. This will cause your image to zoom in until you release the mouse button. The Magic of Navigating with Keyboard Shortcuts The really cool thing about navigating documents with the keyboard shortcuts just mentioned is that they toggle only navigational tools. Using any other navigation method, you would need to move your cursor to change the view of the document, and perhaps go back and select the Brush tool again after that.
Who has the time and patience to do that? The Navigator Panel The Navigator panel is another way that you can navigate documents see Figure As you drag the slider at the bottom of the Navigator panel to the right, you zoom into the image.
Dragging to the left zooms back out. Once you zoom in, a little red rectangle on the image preview in the Navigator panel appears, representing the portion of the image you are now seeing in the main document window. You can drag that rectangle around to see different portions of your image, which is similar to what you saw previously with the Hand tool.
As with all other panels in Photoshop, if the Navigator panel is not visible, you can select it Tip from the Window menu at the top of the interface to reveal it in all of its navigational glory. Tools Instead of using keyboard shortcuts to toggle navigational tools, you can select them from the Tools panel on the left side of the interface.
You can select the Zoom tool which looks like a magnifying glass, shown next to zoom in and out. To change the view of your image, you can select the Hand tool in the Tools panel, right above the Zoom tool. Once you select the tool, simply drag your image around to change your view.
The Application Bar Mentioned briefly earlier in this chapter, the Application bar is a new feature that provides quick access to commonly used tools. This is used for temporarily rotating your image. As with the Hand tool, this only changes your view, not the image itself. In previous versions of Photoshop, you might find enclosed in the package a sheet listing all shortcuts.
But this list is absent from recent versions. A few versions ago, Photoshop introduced the ability to customize keyboard shortcuts. Instructions on how to do that were provided earlier in this chapter.
However, by going to Edit Keyboard Shortcuts, you can get a list of all keyboard shortcuts in addition to customizing them. Be aware that not all keyboard shortcuts will be on this list. The bulk of our study in this chapter will be about layers. Layers are perhaps the most critical element of Photoshop and can greatly increase your efficiency and the quality of your final product.
Your ability to use Photoshop well will largely depend upon your ability to use layers well. I usually like to start my projects, especially artistic projects, with a brand-new document. This way I can ensure that my document is set up to the correct specs for output. If you start with an existing project that is too small, it might be impossible later to make it large enough to print. At first this dialog box can be intimidating as you glance around at all the empty fields.
And Photoshop also has your back. Photoshop understands that this is a little overwhelming to new users. It also knows that even if you are a total pro and know exactly what you should put in every field, it gets tedious filling out all this technical info.
These presets are nicely arranged into a variety of categories based on different workflows. Figure shows the drop- down list of presets. People in the video world, web graphic designers, print graphic designers, those who create content for mobile phones and portable devices, those in the film industry, photographers, and many more use Photoshop on a daily basis. And for each of them, Photoshop has document presets ready to get them started.
Each preset also has a variety of sizes to choose from that are common to that medium or industry. For example, if you were to select the Web preset and then click the Size drop-down list, you would be presented with most common computer screen resolutions, as well as some sizes useful for web graphics.
You can change the unit of measurement to a variety of units. The default unit of measurement in Tip the United States is inches.
For web and video documents, inches are irrelevant. The Truth about Resolution The term resolution is tossed around a lot these days. It is quite possible to have an image that is high resolution, but is still low quality. What Are Pixels?
When Photoshop refers to resolution, it refers to how many pixels are in a given area. So, before we understand resolution, we need to learn a little about pixels. Name Your Stuff! Better to accept the fact that naming files and layers is just a part of life, and name your Photoshop documents. The fewer pixels in a given area like images. When there are more pixels in an image, they will be smaller and less conspicuous, and the resolution will be higher.
Resolution on a computer screen is expressed in pixels per inch ppi. This is because computer monitors have pixels. Printers and scanners often print and scan using dots or lines. When we refer to the resolution of these and other such devices, we use the terms dpi dots per inch and lpi lines per inch. People often mistakenly use the terms dpi and lpi when referring to computer files, even though computer screens have neither dots nor inches. However, most monitor specs read in terms of pixel dimensions, not dot dimensions.
The Bottom Line per Inch You must keep in mind resolution when you are creating your documents in Photoshop. Just because you tell Photoshop that you want to create a document that is 8. How many pixels are in those inches? For onscreen graphics and images, or for images intended for video or 3D programs, 72 ppi is the standard, because that is the resolution of computer monitors and TV screens. Printed documents require smaller pixels to look clean, so the standard is usually about ppi.
Even though ppi is a fairly common standard, you should never assume anything. I once designed a CD cover for an independent punk band, and I assumed that ppi would be fine. However, their CD production house recommended I create the art at ppi— twice the resolution that I was planning on.
When asking your printing agency about resolution, be sure that you get the resolution for your Tip computer document, not the resolution of their printer. The first person you ask about this may not know the correct answer. What they might be tempted to tell you is the resolution of their printer, which may be something like lpi. In most cases, this does not translate to document resolution. Document Color The rest of the fields used to create a basic document pertain to color.
As such, you should use this color mode when using Photoshop to create images for 3D programs, video games, motion graphics, web graphics, or anything that will have its final output on a computer monitor or TV screen. Use this color model for most jobs that will be commercially printed. Color Depth This is a huge can of worms. Until you get more proficient at Photoshop, leave this setting at 8 bit. In a nutshell, this refers to the number of possible colors.
A 2-bit image would contain only four colors. An 8-bit image can contain Scientists estimate that the human eye can perceive about 10 million colors. So, for now, 8 bit will be fine. Background Color Ah, finally some respite from the mentally intensive properties used to create a new Photoshop document. The Background Content drop-down list shown here essentially allows you to specify a background color for your document while you are creating it. From this list, you can choose to create a White background layer, a Background Color that is the same color as the current background color in the Tools panel, or simply to create a Transparent background layer.
Adjust the PDF specifications accordingly such ………. Adobe Reader will open showing you what your PDF looks like. This is how the ………. This manual is also suitable for: Indesign cs4.
Print page 1 Print document 21 pages. Rename the bookmark. Delete bookmark? Cancel Delete. Delete from my manuals? Sign In OR. Don’t have an account? Sign up! This is a tremendous benefit. The index, which is vital to users of this kind of book, reflects a powerful user-focus. Fine book. Highly recommended. I live by indexes and glossaries, probably the Google age, but this book has a large index, and at anytime I need to find something, I can go to it, grab what I need and be on to finishing my project.
I went to the regular bookstores to flip through all the various manual by hand, then ordered this one at Amazon. I bought this book for my wife who was beginning to use InDesign for work. All I hear is “Wow! This book is amazing” about five or six times a day. All the information you need is in here – very well structured and easy to find.
It seems to anticipate the most common problems that users get stuck on too. If you are looking for an easy-to-use reference-while-you-work InDesign manual, then look no further.
For such a dry subject, these two authors are informative and try to have a little fun with the subject. As a desk reference and InDesign “users manual” this is the book to have. With great humor and utter professionalism, David Blatner and Olav Kvern have written another great book. The book is full of info of the “oh, I remember that now,” “that’s sooooo cool,” “I didn’t know that,” and “that is a great new feature!
Any ID user can benefit from this book. This is a very solid manual for InDesign. The Adobe book is good to get started, but not so good when you actually start using InDesign to create documents. See all reviews. Top reviews from other countries. Everything you need to know about ID v4. Report abuse. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations.
Back to top. Table Of Contents. Quick Links Download this manual. Table of Contents. Previous Page. Next Page. Replacing popular software such as PageMaker and Quark Express, InDesign is a desktop publishing program that incorporates illustration capabilities into its interface. It also allows for cross platform interaction with Illustrator, Photoshop, and Acrobat. Adobe InDesign CS4 Page 5 While it is important to become familiar with the tools offered, it is not vital to know all of them.
In this tutorial, only the basic tools will be discussed in depth. Below there is a description of every tool available. Page 6 Fig.
(PDF) How To Do Everything with Adobe Photoshop CS4 – Tutorial | Catalin Birlea – replace.me
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