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Bayly to the Hon. Sib,— Wellington, 31st July, I have the honour to submit the annual sheep returns for the year ending the 31st May, The total number of sheep in the colony on that date was 12,, as against 12, for the previous year, or an increase ofThere are also more owners, making a total of 7, It will be seen that a decrease has occurred in Otago, although the breadth of improved lands is greater.

This is undoubtedly due to the rabbit pest, and the больше информации abandonment of several runs. At the same time it must be borne in mind that these figures only represent the number of sheep on the 31st May,or at a time when the ravages of the pest were most severely felt, and the active operations compelled by present Babbit Act had not become law.

The classification of sheep in the colony can 3/21 hazel grove pascoe vale free be taken as follows: Long wools, ,; cross-breds, 4,; merinos, 7, : total number, 12, Exported, 2,; imported, ; boiled down, 40, ; used at preserving works,The tabulated form attached hereto shows the number 3/21 hazel grove pascoe vale free sheep in each county, as well as the number of infected sheep in each district.

It will be seen that a reduction ofsheep on the infected list has been effected during the year ending the 31st March, Of thestill infected,are depasturing in -Marlborough, 30, in the North Island, and 4, in the Nelson District. The largest number of infected sheep are within the Kaikoura Subdivision.

The reduction may be attributed to the vast amount of fencing that has been erected during the past three years. Where these steps have been taken the result has in all cases been satisfactory ; at the same time this very fencing 3/21 hazel grove pascoe vale free excluded in-places large blocks of inaccessible country upon which sheep still exist, and for some time to come as late events have provedwe may expect 3/21 hazel grove pascoe vale free outbreaks until these areas are thoroughly cleared of wild sheep; yet, any outbreak that may occur cannot spread now with the same facility as hitherto, but in nearly all cases be stopped at once.

There are a few exceptions to the general efforts to fence throughout the colony, notably in the Kaikoura Subdivision, where there are two runs on which no boundary fencing has been erected, and under existing circumstances no finality can possibly be anticipated towards the extermination of scab, and ultimately some special steps other than provided by the Sheep Act will be required to deal with these areas.

It may be worth while remarking that up to September,certain sections of the Act were suspended in the Marlborough District, and from that time the Act has been in full operation; consequent upon this, proceedings што licencia de adobe photoshop lightroom 5 free download понравилось been taken against several Kaikoura owners, under section 23, and verdicts obtained against them.

I am further of opinion that an alteration is absolutely required in section 45 of “The Sheep Act, Several cases have come under my notice. The erasing of this word from this section would compel the owners of scabby sheep to keep them at home, and, further, would make them feel more responsible as the owners of scabby sheep than they are, while the word ” negligently” allows them a loophole to escape.

And, as during the last two years such efforts have been made, and with fair results, scarcely too stringent measures can now be taken to stamp out scab. I consider that section 45 is the most important in the whole Act in dealing with infected sheep, and was intended so to be, but the insertion of this one word has deprived it of a greater portion of its utility. The provisions of section 26 are apparently incomplete; an addition is required which would prevent an owner of infected sheep from increasing the number of his flock, by purchase, so long as he came within the definition of section 5 subsection 7.

I would further draw attention http://replace.me/29147.txt the unworkable nature of section To carry it out in its integrity, especially in clean districts, should owners decline to dip for lice, when so instructed by the Inspector, the only resource open to him is to put in force all the provisions of the infected clauses.

During the last twelve months the frozen-meat trade has been initiated. Bayly, The Hon. Superintending Inspector. The Area of such Districts. The Number of ” Infected ” Sheep in each District. The Number of Sheepowners in each District. The Number of Sheep upon which the Sheep-rate is collected. The Amount of the Sheep-rate in each District. The Amount payable for Salaries and Allowances in each District.

Auckland Counties Читать больше Counties Names of Sheep Districts under Counties. I Otago Counties 1, 15 1, 3, 3 3, 2, 13 1, 3, 3 3, 2, 19 1, 3, 2 3, 11 3 1 9 5 12 3 1 8 2 3/21 hazel grove pascoe vale free 3 1 7 4 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, I’ 5 6 1, 1, 2, j 1, 1, 3, 1, 4 1 7 4 1 11 4 1 11 1, 3, 11, 12, 12, 48 47 47 11, j 11, 12, On the 31st.

May, Number of 4. Name and Address of Offices, and Appointments held by him. Sheep and Cattle Districts in Counties. Cattle Board :— J. May, Chairman, J. Dil- worth, B. Maclean, T. Morrin, and J. Waikato Subdivision 3/21 hazel grove pascoe vale free 1, acres — Waikato Waipa Bayly, B. Lewis, F. Bonar, A. Knyvett, W. Sharp, A. Cattle Boabd : — E. Maclean, Chairman, A. Fantham, TF.

Martin, C. Storey, and B. Bay of Plenty Subdivision area 3,a. Cattle Boabd :— G. Morris, Chairman, J. Brown, S. Clarke, B. Poverty Bay Subdivision area 1, acres — Cook Johnson, Chairman, JuiClark, A. McKenzie, W. Smith, and G. Napier Sheep Disteict — area 3, acres — Hawke’s Bay Cattle Boabd :— J. Ormond, Chairman, J. Heslop, W. Orr, and Sir G. West Wairarapa Matravers, W.

Pitzroy, C. Sutton, W. Drummond, J. Cattle Boaed: — H. Bunny, Chairman, G. Beetham, C. Pharazyn, E. Biddiford, and J.

Wanganui Subdivision area 2, acres — Wanganui 36 13Mackenzie, W. Michie, 3/21 hazel grove pascoe vale free. Monro, A. Simpson, W.

Ok the 31st ay, Number of i. Name and Addbess of Offices, and Appointments held by him. Bayly, W. Harga affinity designer download, S. Vavasour, and J Elliott. Orbell, E. 3/21 hazel grove pascoe vale free, E. Clapcott, B. Inangahua Grey Nelson Cattle District —Comprising the Counties.


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